应化工学院熊岳平教授邀请, 10月7-14日 日本产业技术综合研究所 Manuel E. Brito 主任研究员(哈工大客座教授)来校讲学。 时间:10月8-12日 每日下午14:00-17:00 地点:理学楼901教室 Course Name: Materials Issues for High-Temperature Fuel Cells Lecture 1 : Introduction to Materials for Electrochemical Energy Conversion
Instructor: Manuel E. Brito, AIST, Japan (manuel-brito@aist.go.jp)
Course duration: 20 hours
Grading (evaluation method): Research Proposal (PPT file)
PREREQUISITE: Courses in structure and properties of materials
Lecture 2 : Component Materials for SOFCs: Electrolytes
Lecture 3 : Component Materials for SOFCs: Cathodes
Lecture 4 : Component Materials for SOFCs: Anodes
Lecture 5 : Component Materials for SOFCs: Interconnects
Lecture 6 : Component Materials for SOFCs: Dissimilar Material Interfaces (1)
Lecture 7 : Component Materials for SOFCs: Dissimilar Material Interfaces (2)
Lecture 8 : Materials Durability and Performance Degradation (1)
Lecture 9 : Materials Durability and Performance Degradation (2)
Lecture 10 : In Situ Studies of SOFC Materials
1.) Materials for Energy Conversion Devices, Edited by C.C. Sorrell, S. Sugihara, Woodhead Publishing, 2005.
2.) High Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells: Fundamentals, Design and Application, Ed. S. Singhal, K. Kendall, Elsevier, 2006.